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#  C-MORE BLOOMER HPLC pigment data
#  Bidigare Lab, University of Hawaii
#  Robert R. Bidigare
#  original file: Christensen_bloomer1.hpl
#  ingested into BCO-DMO: September 29, 2009
sta       cast      
10        1         
bot       chlide_a  chl_c     peridinin  fucox_but  fucox     fucox_hex  prasinox  violax    diadionox  allox     lutein   zeax      chl_b1    carotene_a  carotene_b  chl_a2    chl_a1    chl_a_tot  
21        0.00      10.62     0.00       3.83       4.34      14.23      0.00      0.00      5.08       0.00      0.00     65.81     0.00      6.22        5.64        29.34     56.00     85.33      
19        0.00      6.74      0.00       4.53       4.30      14.77      0.00      0.00      5.64       0.00      0.00     70.84     0.00      6.80        4.97        27.89     56.53     84.42      
17        3.10      10.42     0.00       3.82       5.30      17.34      0.00      0.00      5.34       0.00      0.00     71.52     0.00      6.72        5.87        30.19     60.80     90.99      
15        0.00      12.10     1.49       5.66       5.00      20.44      0.00      0.00      2.92       0.00      0.00     45.56     9.92      8.24        2.15        41.77     61.55     103.32     
13        0.00      26.09     2.87       12.98      5.57      41.51      0.00      0.00      5.49       0.00      0.00     82.39     39.25     21.84       3.17        125.41    105.17    230.58     
11        0.00      59.60     0.00       29.48      3.46      64.68      0.00      0.00      4.90       0.00      0.00     69.14     215.26    51.93       2.17        230.86    125.63    356.49     
9         0.00      45.48     0.00       39.62      4.21      41.59      0.00      0.00      3.04       0.00      0.00     32.38     147.91    32.09       1.80        120.07    105.30    225.37     
7         0.00      20.93     0.00       20.67      1.79      24.35      0.00      0.00      1.91       0.00      0.00     9.55      63.92     12.32       0.58        39.47     59.22     98.69      
5         0.00      8.87      0.00       9.70       1.28      12.52      0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00      0.00     1.58      19.35     3.88        0.53        7.65      28.02     35.67